Student - Login to Infinite Campus (AKA Campus Portal, Campus or Student Portal) - Updated 8/7/23
Infinite Campus is our Student Information System and is where students can view grades, schedules, and read messages from school. Parents can also use this same system to complete the annual update, review grades, read messages and see their students' schedules all in one place. This system is different than our Communications and website platform known as Catapult. Below is some basic information about how students can access this system as needed during the school year.
Students -
When students are newly enrolled into the District they are assigned a password using a template based on their grade and school. See this article for information about logging in with these template passwords Continuing students in grades 4-12 with the District can use the same password as they have in the previous school years to login. To log in to Infinite Campus, students can navigate to** choose "Login with Microsoft" and enter their email address (includes the and same password as they use to access Google and Email services.
Once the student's applications are populated (after rosters are finalized**) students will simply clilck on the tile for the needed application and the system will pass through the needed authentication to log the user in.
If your student needs to reset their password, please note it will also automatically change it for Google, Schoology and other linked applications. Students can change or update their password at When updating the password, but sure to choose "Students" for the domain in the drop down field. If your household goes through the "enroll" process on the as well, you can set a phone, or other auth method to allow your student or you, to assist and complete password resets if your student forgets their password completely. Teachers also have the ability to assist with password resets if the student forgets in addition to our IT Help Desk.